posted by Weng Wah - 荣华 at 11:55 AM | top |
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The mummy did a lot of researches on the naming for the baby during second trimester. These are a few name candidates and finally all her grandma, grandpa and daddy prefer the SHYUAN.

姿 () - “姿”侧重于呈现的姿势、风度。appearance;looks;carriage

(xuān) - a day lily; Hemerocallis flava 一种草本植物,传说可以使人忘忧,叶条状披针形,花黄色或红黄色,供观赏。亦称“金针菜”。
姓名学字义- 学识渊博,一生多才,清雅荣贵官运旺,福寿出国之字




At 6:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Wow! what happen there, Lee?

Hey, which software you are using for that characters? Possible to share?


At 8:24 PM, Blogger Weng Wah - 荣华

no software being used but Yun Shin did a study on 姓名学。Believe there are available tools on the net also.


At 11:07 PM, Blogger teopag

i like the name too as it sounds special... :) actually books are available too.., KJ next time you can pay and let people find you a good name for your child. :)


At 12:38 PM, Blogger Weng Wah - 荣华

kam xia, TPG. The name sounds sweet when i first listen to it. Maybe that's the hunch. Wonder do you all have any difficulties pronouncing "SHYUAN". How do u pronounce it?